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Steel Stairs: A Few Terms Worth Knowing

February 12, 2018

If you are planning to have your house or building renovated, or are otherwise hiring a manufacturer to produce and install steel stairs, you should probably know that the process is somewhat more complex than you might be tempted to think at first. It is important you are able to follow the process that you wind up working with in your facility, and at Scarboro Steel Works, we want to be working with you every step of the way. Knowing the different elements of your steel stairs will also give you the opportunity to ask questions to ensure that all your requirements for the stairs are fully satisfied.


A few of the important elements of your steel stairs include…

  • Treads - This is the horizontal part of your stairs, or, as they are more colloquially known, the “steps.” The size and shape of the treads will depend on your preference, but you should consider the usability of the tread. Naturally, you want to be able to step from tread to tread without feeling cramped or as if there is too much room from one to the next.
  • Rise - The rise refers to the vertical part of the stair. This is the part that connects the treads together. Generally speaking, stairs should follow standard rise measurements, but you can still ask the manufacturer about custom steel stairs for your building. The rise is an important measurement to get right in a staircase; it is one of the subtlest differences in the entire design, but can actually cause noticeable differences in comfort and difficulty for those who use those stairs.
  • Nosing - This is the front edge of the stair tread. The nosing of your staircase is another very subtle difference that adds a great amount of comfort and aesthetic appeal to the everyday use of your stairs, and is definitely worth paying some attention to when you work with a custom manufacturer like Scarboro Steel.

If you have any interest in your own custom stairs for renovations or projects of any kind, feel free to contact us today and learn more!