Structural Steel Adaptability FAQ
We’ve mentioned in our previous blog Reaching for the Sky: the History of Structural Steel that the rise in popularity of structural steel in Toronto began in the Industrial Revolution. From skyscrapers to public infrastructure, structural steel is used in some of the most common landmarks and fixtures in our cities. Since the time of the Industrial Revolution, structural steel has become pivotal in the construction of modern-day architectural feats. This is largely due to the adaptability offered by structural steel.
Today we’ll answer a few FAQ about the adaptability of structural steel in Toronto.
What are the benefits of structural steel in construction?
Structural steel is more versatile, strong, and long-lasting than other building materials. We’ve mentioned in previous blogs that structural steel offers an increased strength, allowing structures to withstand extreme weather and natural disasters.
Structural steel is also highly adaptable in comparison to other conventional building materials such as wood or cement.
What are the benefits of structural steel adaptability?
Steel framing systems have the capacity to accommodate longer spans and column-free spaces that are completely adaptable due to their overall flexibility.
Steel framing is also adaptable in accommodating the requirements of occupants, allowing for continued use of the structure and avoiding the needs and costs associated with demolition and redevelopment.
Does increased adaptability in structural steel promote sustainability?
The nature of structural steel in Toronto as an adaptable building material also allows it to promote more sustainable practices long-term.
For starters steel is completely recyclable. When recycled, steel does not lose any of its beneficial properties. This is unlike wood or cement-based construction materials which are single-use materials and result in disposal occurring during demolition. These materials will typically be incinerated or placed in a landfill.
Steel framing systems can also be built for disassembly, with framing components suitable for future re-use. Also as previously suggested, steel framing is adaptable in accommodating shifting requirements, effectively avoiding any needs, costs, and environmental impact of demolition and redevelopment.